Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Just Dance.


Just dance

Just dance obey the music’s command

What’s with this standing around? now dance

Dance, just dance can’t you understand

Obey the music’s command and dance

Don’t be disobedient why won’t you listen

Obey the music’s command and just dance

Are you hard of hearing or are you in a trance

Start to dance quit standing around now dance

Just dance obey the music’s command

Pay attention right now quit standing around

Dance, just dance what’s your problem dance

Obey the music’s command you must dance

Listen now don’t you be so darn disobedient

Obey the music’s command and just dance

Can’t you hear the music are you in a trance?

Feel the music’s vibration listen to the rhythm

Dance just dance let the rhythm move you

Just dance in your feet feel the vibration

Just dance get with the rhythm and dance

Dance that’s what you got to do just dance

The music’s commands you to dance

That’s it dance just dance.

Anthony S.Phillander©22122021

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