Friday, December 31, 2021

White Wine




After a few glasses of white wine we were feeling fine

Time seem to fly now here we are in the morning light

In the morning light we are awaking in each other arms

Last night we had no inclination this would ever happen

Polite conversation dinner and a few glasses of white wine

Here we are closer than birds of a feather it’s wonderful

Where do we go from here after what happened last night?

From good friends to lovers from last night to morning light

A few glasses of white wine changed our situation

From good friends to lovers in the twinkle of a night

To think that just last night we were only just good friends

A few glasses of white wine and polite conversation

Polite conversation dinner a few glasses of white wine

Like birds of a feather now we are closer than ever

Love was always around us now love surround us

White wine the night and conversations works wonders

A few glasses of wine destroyed our inhibitions

Got our feelings out in the open now we are an item

When it was all said and done we discovered we are in love

White wine made our love light shine.

Anthony S.Phillander©08122020

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Just Dance.


Just dance

Just dance obey the music’s command

What’s with this standing around? now dance

Dance, just dance can’t you understand

Obey the music’s command and dance

Don’t be disobedient why won’t you listen

Obey the music’s command and just dance

Are you hard of hearing or are you in a trance

Start to dance quit standing around now dance

Just dance obey the music’s command

Pay attention right now quit standing around

Dance, just dance what’s your problem dance

Obey the music’s command you must dance

Listen now don’t you be so darn disobedient

Obey the music’s command and just dance

Can’t you hear the music are you in a trance?

Feel the music’s vibration listen to the rhythm

Dance just dance let the rhythm move you

Just dance in your feet feel the vibration

Just dance get with the rhythm and dance

Dance that’s what you got to do just dance

The music’s commands you to dance

That’s it dance just dance.

Anthony S.Phillander©22122021

Friday, December 24, 2021



They call her


Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

See that girl they call her sunshine

She’s just such a magnificent woman

She’s got a shimmering glow in her smile

She’s got a sparkle in her eyes

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

See that girl they call her sunshine

She’s always sparkling like a diamond

She’s so intelligent just naturally brilliant

She sometimes make the sun run and hide

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

See that girl they call her sunshine

She’s got the moon and stars in the palm of her hands

She’s got a fire that can light up the darkest night

She’s a charmer she can replace the sun in the sky

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam,

Bay, bay, lay, bay, bay, lay, bam, bam

That girl see her they call her sunshine

Won’t it be fine if to you she was very kind?

Anthony S.Phillander©16122021

Friday, December 17, 2021

Drive it


Drive it 


Drive it home from afar why keep admiring what your heart desire

Don’t deprive yourself of the exciting thrill ride of your life

You deserve this do not resist the urge to jump in and drive it

I guarantee it you won’t regret it get in and drive it home

It’s got your name on it waiting for you to claim it

See yourself behind the wheel and in your hands feel it

Quit thinking about anything hurry up and just get in

Don’t wait another minute get yourself in the driver’s seat

Drive it home it’s got your name written all over it

Don’t reserve it for another day do it today its o.k.

Now is your time make your move seize your moment

Jump in right now right here feel the wind in your hair

It’s all you this is what you were wishing for here you are

Grab the keys your wish has come true now drive it home

Surprise yourself you deserve this feel a little happiness

With yourself be sincere reward yourself drive it home

Open the sun roof or let the top down your choice

Put the pedal to the metal and get out of here

Drive it home get going be gone drive it home

Be on your way drive it home.

Anthony S.Phillander©16122021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

We Savor the HOLIDAYS.


We savor the


We savor the holidays

With family and friends happily we celebrate

It’s great to be able to celebrate the holidays

It’s fun celebrating the holidays with family and friends

With bathed breadth the holidays we anticipate

When it gets here the holidays we appreciate

Whenever the holidays comes around it put smiles on our face

We are anxiously waiting to begin celebrating the holidays

We savor the holidays

With friends and family happily we celebrate

It’s great getting together celebrating the holidays

We enjoy celebrating the holidays with family and friends

With bathed breadth the holidays we anticipate

Every time it’s here the holiday we totally appreciate

Whenever the holidays comes around on our faces smiles it places

We just can’t wait we are anxious to begin celebrating the holidays

We savor the holidays

With family and friends we celebrate

Joyfully we celebrate it’s just great

We savor the holiday.

Anthony S.Phillander©13122021

Friday, December 10, 2021

Magic in the Malls


Magic in

The malls

Making magic in the malls from opening bell to curtain fall

Shoppers are making store owners go bouncing off the walls

Shopping non- stop shopping till they drop and getting back up

Shopper are in action making magic in the malls

With bags filled to capacity shopper are leaving stores empty

To the malls they are fleeing tendering their credit cards freely

On endless shopping sprees on their faces happiness shows clearly

Shoppers are joyfully making magic making magic in the malls

Making magic in the malls from opening bell to curtain call

For as far as your eyes can see not a parking space in the vicinity

Shoppers, from wall to wall shopping making magic in the malls

It’s such a shopping frenzy customer service agents you won’t envy

It’s joy, joy, joy, in the hearts and smiles on the faces of storeowners

They are totally in their glee to see shopper shopping endlessly

Shoppers are having a ball emptying credit cards and filling bags

Its magic shoppers are making magic in the malls

Magic pure magic shoppers are making magic in the malls

Shoppers are making magic in the malls magic

Shoppers are making magic in the malls.

                    Anthony S.Phillander©10122021

Saturday, December 04, 2021

You Only LIVE Once.


You only live


You only live once

Although some people think otherwise

You only live once

Only kittens got nine lives

One life is all you have been provided

No more no less is supplied even if you cry

One and only one life this is your precious prize

Cherish your one life live it with a smile

You only live once it would be very nice two live twice

You only live once this is an undeniable fact of life

You only live once and when this life says good bye

No other life will you ever occupy

One life is all you got

Live it like you got nine lives

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you can live twice?

Enjoy and be satisfied with your one life live nice

A new life is the promise we all hold on to

We hold on to the promise of a new life

You only live once that’s right

You only live once live right.

Anthony S.Phillander©12042021

Friday, December 03, 2021

Magic in the Mail


Magic in

The mail

There’s magic in the mail

I opened my mail and I had to exhale

Like magic today the mail my life it changed

I received magic in the mail

All my troubles of yesterday into history faded

The mail came today and my life began again

It is magical the way the mail my life it change

I am absolutely certain there’s magic in the mail

There’s magic in the mail

I open my mail today and I almost fainted

Today like magic the mail changed my life

In the mail I received magic am blown away

Into history all my trouble of yesterday faded away

My life began again when in the mail magic came

It is magical the way the mail changed my life today

I am absolutely certain there’s magic in the mail

In the mail there’s magic

There’s magic in the mail

I found magic in the mail

There’s magic in the mail.

Anthony S.Phillander©02122021

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Wonderful HAPPENS Here!


Wonderful Happens here

Wonderful happens here

Here in your heart it’s where you will find wonderful happens

Wonderful happens here in your heart I want you to know that

You don’t have to go tearing the world apart

Start by looking right here in your heart

When you want to find where wonderful happens

Start by looking in your heart you will find wonderful

Wonderful wonder and happiness starts here in your heart

Wonderful happens here

Here in your heart it’s where you will find wonderful happening

Wonderful happens here in your heart I want you to know that

Look in your heart don’t go tearing the world apart

Start by looking right here in your heart

When you want wonderful happiness it happens here

Start by looking in your heart to find wonderful

Wonderful wonder and happiness happens here in your heart

Wonders wonderful and happiness happens

Here in your heart wonderful happens

Wonderful happens here

Wonderful happens.

Anthony S.Phillander©01122021


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...