Saturday, June 12, 2021

Will build back better


Will build

Back better

Our world together we will build back better

After the disaster which our world been through

Together our world we will build back better that’s for sure

Our world we will build back better than before

The world of yesterday is now no more

A historical memory remains of the world that used to be

Our eyes are on the future there lies our destiny

In our vision a brand new world will come to be

Our world together we will build back better

Build back better than the world we once knew

A new and better world we will build back universally

A better world that’s guaranteed to last all eternity

The world of yesterday is now only a historical memory

The remaking of our world is awe inspiring it’s unprecedented

Our world will be different and so much better than before

Build back better our world we will build back better

We will build back a better world than the world before

Build back better absolutely a better world for you and me

Together we will build back a better world

We will build back a better world guaranteed.

Anthony S.Phillander©04062021

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