Monday, February 10, 2020

Inspire a Nation

Inspire a Nation

Inspire a nation
Let that nation rise up and become a beacon
A beacon of high ideals hope and lofty aspirations
Are there any among you who can inspire a nation

Whom among you will step up and accept this challenge
Is there any man or woman boy or girl that’s brave and bold
At this moment who’s courageous enough to step out of the fold
Where will a nation find a follower who will lead it into a new world?

Inspire a nation
Let that nation abandon the status-quo for the exciting unknown
Forsake the security provided by mediocrity for what can be
In this generation are there any among you who can inspire a nation

Whom among you will step up and raise their hands
You there if not you then who will it is you yes you
Don’t you have enough are you courageous enough to lead us
Followers when will you rise up inspire and begin leading

Inspire a nation
Use your imagination anyone can
Anyone can inspire a nation
Whom among you will accept this challenge?

Anyone can inspire a nation who among you will emerge
Assume leadership become a champion and inspire a nation
Will that someone be you that’s the question?
Quit looking around aren’t you up to the challenge?

Anthony S.Phillander©29012020

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