Friday, January 03, 2020

Live your best life

Live your best life
Live your best life there’s no joy in living an average ordinary life
Don’t compromise don’t acquiesce with just living a life of existence
You deserve an exciting interesting full filing extraordinary life
It’s the only life you will live why not live your best life

Existence is meant for things life is meant to be lived
If you are living why not go full out and live your best life
Your best life is always available if your best life you choose to live
Go out on a limb grab hold of your best life and to the fullest live

Live your best life there’s no fun in living and average ordinary life
With a life or acquiescence and existence refuse to compromise
You deserve and you are worth it reach out and live your best life
Its irreplaceable its precious make it the best life you are living

Existence is for things life is meant to be lived
You are living you got no reason for not living your best life
It’s always available it’s always possible to live your best life
Your best life see it grab it and live it beyond its limits

Live your best life fun and excitement will be yours if you live it
You will totally enjoy living your best life
Come alive and enjoy living your best life
Give it a try it’s enjoyable living your best life

Go on now enjoy your best life live it live your best life
Live your best life are you living your best life.

Anthony S.Phillander©01012020.

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