Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The life YOU Imagined

   The Life You Imagined

Are you living the life you imagined?
Or is it still just a figment of your imagination
If you are not why aren’t you living it?
Why aren’t you living the life you imagined?

What’s your excuse for not living?
The life the life you imagined
What’s stopping you from living?
The life you imagined

Are you living the life you imagined?
If your answer is affirmative congratulations are in order
Hats off to you well done it’s a magnificent achievement
You have lived up to your imagination’s expectation

The life you imagined is it still an illusion
You hold sole responsibility for your life’s reality
You have the final decision for the life you are living
If you are not living the life you imagined

Imagine a new life and live the life you imagined.

Anthony S.Phillander©04062017

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        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...