Friday, May 24, 2019



Find your passion and live inspired
For an inspiring life passion is required
An inspired life is a life to be desired
Find your passion and live inspired

Life comes alive when life is lived inspired
Passion is the fuel that ignites life’s fire
Ignite your life with the fire of passion
An inspired life is a life lived with enthusiasm

Find your passion and live inspired
For an inspired life passion is required
An inspired life is a life to be desired
Find your passion and live an inspired life

Life comes alive when life is lived inspired
Passion is the fuel that ignites life’s fire
Ignite your life with the fire of passion
It’s exciting an inspired life is a life lived with enthusiasm

Live inspired and your passion for life will be inflamed
Its intense find your passion and live inspired
When you find your passion you ignite your life
Live inspired find your passion.

Anthony S.Phillander©24052019

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The life YOU Imagined

   The Life You Imagined

Are you living the life you imagined?
Or is it still just a figment of your imagination
If you are not why aren’t you living it?
Why aren’t you living the life you imagined?

What’s your excuse for not living?
The life the life you imagined
What’s stopping you from living?
The life you imagined

Are you living the life you imagined?
If your answer is affirmative congratulations are in order
Hats off to you well done it’s a magnificent achievement
You have lived up to your imagination’s expectation

The life you imagined is it still an illusion
You hold sole responsibility for your life’s reality
You have the final decision for the life you are living
If you are not living the life you imagined

Imagine a new life and live the life you imagined.

Anthony S.Phillander©04062017


I am liberty i aim to set you    Liberty

My name is liberty your promise that’s always genuine
Oftentimes I am freely given sometimes I demands a high price
The investment of time and money for me is an excellent investment
Life itself is worthless whenever I am absent

Without liberty happiness is non existent
Like the air that you breathe liberty is very important
For liberty the sacrifice of life is routinely made on demand
Liberty it is a right that will not be denied without a fight

I am liberty with me present freedom is guaranteed
Humanity harbors an inborn desire for liberty
Liberty is the only state in which humanity was born to be
Death is preferable without the presence of liberty

Without liberty nothing else in life is worthwhile
The wealth of the world is penury without liberty
Possession of this precious treasure is just priceless
Liberty I am your freedom guard me unceasingly

I am liberty the birds and the bees they are familiar with me
Make known to me and with open arms I will welcome you
I am not a statue I am liberty and that’s how I want the world to be
My name is liberty.

Anthony S.Phillander©15052019



        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...