Monday, February 11, 2019

A bouquet of Diamonds

A Bouquet
   Of   Diamonds

A bouquet of diamonds I will give to you
You are worth more than diamonds this is true
You deserve more than everything I can give to you
Let me start by giving you a bouquet of diamonds

When it comes to you only the best will do
Nothing less than the very best that’s my gift to you
A bouquet of diamonds especially for just you
Only the best of everything is good enough for you

A bouquet of diamonds I will give to you
Flowers are beautiful yet will only last a day or two
A bouquet of diamonds will last forever like my love for you
Let me give you a bouquet of diamond forever I love you

Only the best will do when it comes to you
Nothing less than the very best always that’s my gift to you
A bouquet of diamonds especially for just you only you
Only the very best of everything this bouquet is only a token

A bouquet of diamonds I will give to you
Let me give you a bouquet of diamonds
A bouquet of diamonds just for you.

Anthony S.Phillander©30012019

A bouquet of Diamonds for valentine’s sweetheart. 

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