Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friending with a remarkable

   I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
On a whim I decided to answer her question
On social media her question was can we be friends
I am glad than on a whim I made an instant decision

We arranged a place and time for us to meet in person
I recognized her from the description in her information
I took a winning chance and I met a friendly  remarkable woman
Over dinner we enjoyed a heart to heart conversation

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
Usually friends requests all escapes my attention
I don’t know what made me answer her friend request
I am certainly happy that I did it feels wonderful

It surreal now to see us arm in arm
In an instant a friend request ignited a romance
I friended a friendly remarkable woman with a winning decision
Beauty brains eloquence elegance and charm am in a trance

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
I friended her and our friendship is packed with fireworks
I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman I friended
I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman.

Anthony S.Phillander©24112018

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