Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friending with a remarkable

   I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
On a whim I decided to answer her question
On social media her question was can we be friends
I am glad than on a whim I made an instant decision

We arranged a place and time for us to meet in person
I recognized her from the description in her information
I took a winning chance and I met a friendly  remarkable woman
Over dinner we enjoyed a heart to heart conversation

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
Usually friends requests all escapes my attention
I don’t know what made me answer her friend request
I am certainly happy that I did it feels wonderful

It surreal now to see us arm in arm
In an instant a friend request ignited a romance
I friended a friendly remarkable woman with a winning decision
Beauty brains eloquence elegance and charm am in a trance

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
I friended her and our friendship is packed with fireworks
I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman I friended
I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman.

Anthony S.Phillander©24112018

Friday, November 09, 2018

Common Sense.

           Common sense
Common sense does not require a degree from any university
It is sense that everyone supposed to possess naturally
Possessing a degree does not suggest intellectual superiority
Before book common sense was already in existence

With common sense a degree can be acquired readily
Common sense cannot be acquired with a degree
Common sense it is inherent intellectual superiority
A degree is knowledge whose foundation requires common sense

Common sense does not require a degree
It is sense that is universally available to humanity
One does not need to pursue common sense at any university
With common sense a degree is not an absolute necessity

With common sense one can take control one’s world
With the exponential rising of artificial intelligence
The necessity of a degree fades into obsolescence
Common sense is an essential requirement of human existence

Society will agree that’s it is excellent to possess a degree
Still without common sense understanding will be non -existent
Common sense dissipates ignorance and fosters intelligence
Common sense understand this common sense comprehends

Common sense it is the ancestor of knowledge
Common sense it is uncommon in the ignorant
A wealth of intelligence is freely available in common sense
Go on have your fill have some common sense.

Anthony S.Phillander©06092018


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...