Friday, December 21, 2018

A Gift of


You gave me a gift of joy
All my senses of happiness this you employs
I am in awe overwhelmed am overjoyed
All because you gave me your gift of joy

It’s not Christmas nor is it my birthday
I have long since stopped playing with toys
Still the gift of joy you gave to me is so thoughtful
Wow just what I needed I love your gift of joy

You gave me your gift of joy
All my senses of happiness you completely employs
I am overwhelmed I am in awe yes I am overjoyed
Overjoyed since you gave me your gift of joy

It’s not my birthday nor is it Christmas
I can’t even remember playing with toys
Still I will not trade your gift for anything in the world
It brings me so much joy and happiness the gift you gave me

Wow I am enjoying your gift of joy
Happiness is overflowing from your gift of joy
Wow how I just love your gift of joy
You gave me an unending priceless gift of joy

You gave me a gift of joy.

Anthony S.Phillander©17122018

Monday, December 10, 2018

A Big NOSE Dog name BARKLE.

A Big nose dog name BARKLE got in trouble when he was unable to remove his head from
a little bottle where it got stuck  when he attempt to get a piece of meat from  it where it was sitting on a table.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friending with a remarkable

   I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
On a whim I decided to answer her question
On social media her question was can we be friends
I am glad than on a whim I made an instant decision

We arranged a place and time for us to meet in person
I recognized her from the description in her information
I took a winning chance and I met a friendly  remarkable woman
Over dinner we enjoyed a heart to heart conversation

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
Usually friends requests all escapes my attention
I don’t know what made me answer her friend request
I am certainly happy that I did it feels wonderful

It surreal now to see us arm in arm
In an instant a friend request ignited a romance
I friended a friendly remarkable woman with a winning decision
Beauty brains eloquence elegance and charm am in a trance

I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman
I friended her and our friendship is packed with fireworks
I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman I friended
I am friending with a friendly remarkable woman.

Anthony S.Phillander©24112018

Friday, November 09, 2018

Common Sense.

           Common sense
Common sense does not require a degree from any university
It is sense that everyone supposed to possess naturally
Possessing a degree does not suggest intellectual superiority
Before book common sense was already in existence

With common sense a degree can be acquired readily
Common sense cannot be acquired with a degree
Common sense it is inherent intellectual superiority
A degree is knowledge whose foundation requires common sense

Common sense does not require a degree
It is sense that is universally available to humanity
One does not need to pursue common sense at any university
With common sense a degree is not an absolute necessity

With common sense one can take control one’s world
With the exponential rising of artificial intelligence
The necessity of a degree fades into obsolescence
Common sense is an essential requirement of human existence

Society will agree that’s it is excellent to possess a degree
Still without common sense understanding will be non -existent
Common sense dissipates ignorance and fosters intelligence
Common sense understand this common sense comprehends

Common sense it is the ancestor of knowledge
Common sense it is uncommon in the ignorant
A wealth of intelligence is freely available in common sense
Go on have your fill have some common sense.

Anthony S.Phillander©06092018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Attempt the impossible

impossible is an illusion attempt the impossible and you will prove that this is true.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018


      Canada is my

Canada is my sweetheart
Long before I met her I have been in love with her
I have been hearing stories about her long before I met her
Now that we have met we vow nothing will keep us apart

She is my sweetheart
My Canada what would I do without her
Perish that though I don’t even want to think about that
For me there’s no other none can compare with my Canada

Canada is my sweetheart
My love for her is way off the chart
Forever the love in my heart for her will forever last
My Canada she is the most without her I would be forever lost

She is my sweetheart
She’s a perfect picture and she’s picture perfect
Beautifully breathtaking she’s got everything I desire
What more can I ask for when I have got my Canada

Canada is my sweetheart
She’s precious look at her she make me jealous
To the world she one big attraction she’s mine
The world will have to wait in line for her affection

My Canada oh how I love her.

Anthony S.Phillander©25072018

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Jump up Toronto Jump UP

Jump up Toronto
   Toronto jump up

It’s time to get on the go and jump up
Jump up Toronto jump up
In the stadium and on the lakeshore
Jump up Toronto jump up

Toronto jump up Jump up Toronto
All winter this is what you have been waiting for
Jump up Toronto, Toronto jump up
Summer’s here you know what you have to do

It’s time to get on the go and jump up
Jump up Toronto jump up
In the stadium and on the lakeshore
Jump up Toronto jump up

Toronto jump up Jump up Toronto
This is what you have been waiting for
Jump up Toronto, Toronto jump up
Summer’s here do what you been longing to do

Looking good Toronto keep jumping up
Jump up Toronto, Toronto jump up
Don’t stop Toronto continue jumping up
Jump up jump up Toronto jump up.

Anthony S.Phillander©27042017

Thursday, July 12, 2018

You were Made For LIFE!

you were made for life life was made for you
you must cling to life let life cling to you
you and life were made for each other this is absolutely true
without each other what would you and what would life do!

Sunday, July 08, 2018


Bound to score that forward is simply unstoppable
Does not matter what’s the strength of the defenders 
He will always find a way to bore through the goalkeeper
With a left foot like a jack hammer he’s the archenemy of goal keepers

When he’s on the run toward goal he shoots like a sniper
Goalies scamper for cover they are aware of the target he’s after
Anyone in his way for them it is certain disaster they got to beware
The back of their net is what he passionately desires

He’s bound to score and does not take no for an answer
Come hell or high water if the goal is like a vault
Make no mistake he will do whatever it takes to find the formula
He will explore until he discovers the combination to the treasure 

On the football field he’s in possession of a lethal weapon
This weapon can breakthrough any defenses armor
Leaving goaltenders vulnerable and cowering in fear
Clearing a path like a bulldozer he’s bound to score

For sure he’s bound to score. 

 Anthony S.Phillander©010713

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Self Belief!

   Self -Belief

Self- belief it is a pivot and it‘s an anchor
It’s the premier determining factor of one’s stature
The heights to which one can rise or the depths in which one remains stuck
Has its genesis in the measure of one’s self- belief

Everything one accomplishes or refrains from accomplishing
Must begin with the self- belief of what one is capable thereof
Without self-belief before one begins all is already lost
Self-belief it’s a monument it is paramount 

Self –belief it’s a formidable force to have in one’s possession                 
This provides a strong foundation on which to stand or build upon
No journey is too long or any destination out of reach with self-belief
Self –belief is fundamental

Self-belief is essential to the accomplishment of any endeavor
One will never dare to venture into the unknown attempt the impossible
Take a quantum leap across a chasm abandon the shoreline for distant horizons
The possibilities are limitless with the possession of self-belief

Self-belief it is the key to the realization of one’s true potential
It keeps one in the game even when the game seems to be going up in flames
It’s the little voice that keeps whispering in your ear hang on you will get there
It’s an irreplaceable companion that always tell you yes you are capable

Self- Belief what a relief it is to be aware that self- belief is in one’s possession
Self-belief it all begins within.

Anthony S.Phillander©18062018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What An iNept

      What an Inept Bunch

What an inept bunch of misfits
When square pegs are placed in round holes that’s what you get
Shooting off their mouths it’s the only thing they are good at
When it comes to shooting straight you will have to wait on that

This bunch of misfits provides a laugh a minute
They are truly a bunch of jokers anyhow you look at it
Not one casts a giant shadow for they are all so hollow
How did they get their jobs everyone would like to know?

What a bunch of misfits
Seems none of them knows their elbow from their toe
In the whole bunch of them none can claim to be number one
They all seem to function as number two

This bunch of misfits they don’t have a clue
Things that need to be done none of them have been able to do
The way in which they pose and posture they think they are models
It’s remarkable that they are holding on to their jobs for as long as they do

Wow what an inept bunch of misfits
They are notorious for foot in mouth disease
They are full of it and in themselves they are well pleased
It’s incredible wow what an inept bunch of misfits.

Anthony S.Phillander©271013

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Imagine That!

  Imagine that!

Imagine that you were thinking that
You could not have done it
Now look at you see you did it imagine that
When you put your mind to it see what you can do

Imagine that you never knew that you had it in you
I have got news for you there’s so much more in you
What you needed you found in you when you needed to
What you thought was impossible you did way to go

Imagine that you imagined that and you did what you imagine
Whatever you imagine you can do when you truly want to
Your imagination is unstoppable and so are you
Imagine you are unstoppable and become what you imagine

Imagine that who would have thought this would have happened
Yes it has happened all because you had the courage to make it happen
You have done us proud this really looks good congratulation hats off to you  
Wonders never cease you have done it can you imagine that

Imagine that can you imagine how proud you have made us
You did it imagine that!

Anthony S.Phillander©19052018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


   Being home

I love being home with you and the kids
It brings me lots or joy whenever I am doing this
After being so long on the road it becomes tiresome
This feels really good I love being home

I can travel the world still my mind never leaves home
With my colleagues all over the world we continually roam
When it becomes time to be heading home I am over the moon
Seeing your faces around I am always anxious to touchdown

 I love being home with you and the kids
To the moon I miss you all whenever I am gone
Being on the road much too long often gets me down
I love being home being home again feels really good

My mind never leaves home when I am traveling the world
All over the world my colleagues and I we continually roam
The moment I know I will be heading home I am over the moon
I am always anxious to touchdown and see your familiar faces

I love being home with you and the kids
Today let’s all go to the village and have some fun
It really feels good being home with you and the kids
Feel good feel really good being home.

Anthony S.Phillander©15052018

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Oh beautiful MAY

 Oh beautiful May

Oh beautiful May
I am very happy to meet you today
May did you find Spring along the way
She looks beautiful I must say

Beautiful May you finally came today
I was longing to meet you everyday
Today you came and Clouds disappeared
Meeting you has certainly made my day

Oh beautiful May
Today you got me feeling in a happy way
Did you find Spring May did you find Spring along the way
She’s looking beautiful as a bright sun shining summer’s day

Beautiful May you are looking lovelier every day
I was longing to meet you and now you are here
Clouds disappeared when you came today
My day you made the moment you appeared May

Oh beautiful May
Beautiful May forever I wish you would stay
In your season joy and happiness you bring night and day
Oh beautiful May it’s a pleasure having you here.

Anthony S.Phillander©01052018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ballers Got Game

  Ballers got game

Ballers got game
With ball in hand into the world Ballers came
With unrestrained passion they play the game
The game Ballers play is superbly supreme

Ballers got game
These high rollers they always play to win
Losing is not in Ballers playbook it’s an unknown concept
At the top of their game you will find Ballers it’s their nook

Ballers got game
When Ballers are on the hunt their prey must be aware
Challengers runs scared whenever Ballers appears
Ballers they are masters of all the games they play

Ballers got game
Running taller Ballers jumps to conquer they are superior
Fans marvel at the skills Ballers displays it’s simply spectacular
Like a hand in glove effortlessly Ballers dunk the ball in the hoop

Ballers got game
The game Ballers got is precious it’s golden it’s wondrous
Ballers on the court they are crowned in glory majestically
Ballers got game and by the Ball the game got Ballers

Ballers they can be Maulers Marauders Brawlers sharpshooters
Who uses their opponents hoop for target practice think twice?
Take this advice before deciding to go up against Ballers
Ballers got game it’s a fact no doubt about that

Ballers got game Ballers are not court jesters they are sovereign
More game than a toy store that’s what Ballers got
Ballers, Ballers got game.

Anthony S.Phillander©17032018

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Oh Michelle O.

    Oh Michelle O

Oh Michelle O we love you so
Lady you deserve the president’s Medal of Honor
When called upon boldly you rose to the challenge
For distinguished service we are forever indebted to you

With eloquence charm poise and quiet dignity you shone
You are an exemplar you are a beacon
To women and little girls everywhere you are a champion
As a role model like a star you have risen

Oh Michelle O hello hats off to you
The world stands in awe of you congratulations
On our memory an indelible mark that’s your legacy
First lady absolutely your title fits your picture perfectly

For your immeasurable contribution we show our appreciation
Into the world the light you brought will forever brilliantly shine
You spread your wings lifted us up now we are soaring sky high
Premier Lady you will forever be first and foremost number one

Oh Michelle O Madam first lady we thank you bountifully
Madam First lady Curtsy.

 Anthony S.Phillander©08032018

Happy Woman day’s Madam.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Set for takeoff

    Set for takeoff

We are set for takeoff
In a moment we will be lifting off
Into sunny blue skies we will be flying high
We will soar and like an eagle sky high we will fly

In anticipation we waits
It won’t be long soon we will be airborne
Into sunny skies we cannot wait to fly
We are taking a good look around soon we would be gone

We are set for takeoff
We are beginning to taxi down the runway
Into the wild blue yonder we will be lifting off
Like an eagle soon we will be soaring sky high

Our anticipation is overwhelming
We are about to become airborne in a moment
Excitement is overflowing in our eyes
We enjoy flying and we are taking to the skies

We are set for takeoff
Wow now we are taking off.

Anthony S.Phillander©29012018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Random acts of Kindness

    Random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness
Can put a smile on someone’s lips

Random acts of kindness
Can give someone a dearly needed lift

Random acts of kindness
Can make some aware that the world still cares

Random acts of kindness
Can open someone’s way and make someone’s day

Random acts of kindness
Can radically change someone’s circumstances

Random acts of kindness
Can light someone’s face with joy and happiness

Random acts of kindness
They are extremely pleasant surprises

Random acts of kindness
All they requires is a little consideration to make a big difference

Random acts of kindness
Definitely for the price of a little time can change lives big time

Random acts of kindness
Rendered by humankind can make the world a paradise
         Random acts of kindness to the world they are precious gifts.

Anthony S.Phillander©24012018

Monday, January 15, 2018


In the beginning was the words,
And the words became books!

Anthony S.Phillander©08012018


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...