Monday, June 12, 2017

Hands in the ear Hands in the Ear

Hands in the ear, Hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

Everywhere you look you can see hands in the ear

Crossing the streets with their hands in the ear

Driving their cars with their hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

You don’t have to look very far to see hands in the ear

Climbing up ladders with their hands in the ear

See the distracted drivers with their hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

Everywhere you look you can see hands in the ear

Ever since cell phones appeared

Everyone’s got their hands in the ear

Unaware of their surroundings

Everyone’s got their hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

Everyone’s got their cell phone in their hand in the ear

Everywhere it’s cell phone in hands in the ear

Cell phone in hands in the ear hands in the ear

Hands in the ear hands in the ear.

Anthony S.Phillander©06122017

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