Saturday, December 23, 2017

Success is Golden

Success is Golden

Success is golden a treasure immeasurable precious
Priceless a crowning jewel in the realm of achievement
Giving no quarter it is never beholding to failure
It is forever the outstanding achievers object of desire

Success is golden
Never is it silent it’s an exclamation a statement in excellence
It’s outstanding it’s a beacon it’s an appealing destination
Go on a journey of exploration discover success

Success is golden
It’s worthwhile it’s time well spent
It’s a profitable investment of time the pursuit of success
It is solid gold the achievement of success

Success is golden
It owns respect when it’s genuinely earned
It demands whatever it takes whatever it takes is appropriate
It’s an adequate price demanded pay the price and enjoy

Success is golden
With a glow that glitters like the summer’s sun on the horizon
Diamonds pale in comparison to the golden glow of success
Once achieved you will know success is golden.

Anthony S.Phillander©18122017     

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

Bringing Christmas Home.

  Bringing Christmas

We are bringing Christmas home
Christmas we are bringing home to everyone
Everyone will be happy everyone will be having fun
Everyone will be filled with joy when Christmas comes

We have been gone too long
When we return Christmas we will bring with us
How we wish that time will just rush
Count on us we will surely be bringing Christmas with us

We are bringing Christmas home
Christmas we are bringing home to everyone
Everyone will be happy everyone will be having fun
Everyone will be overjoyed when Christmas comes

We have been gone too long
We are bringing Christmas home
Bringing Christmas home
We are bringing Christmas home.

Anthony S.Phillander©10112017

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Getting Holiday Ready

Getting holiday ready
We are getting holiday ready
We are starting our holiday shopping early
When the holidays comes around
We won’t get caught up in the holiday shopping frenzy

The holidays are always one big party
There’s nothing we love more than a good party
In the last minute we don’t want to be shopping like crazy
For the holidays we want to be free to get ready to party

We are getting holiday ready
We are starting our holiday shopping early
When the holidays comes around we will be ready
We want to escape the holiday shopping frenzy

The holidays are always one big party
We love nothing more than a good party
Last minute shopping just drives us crazy
For the holidays we are getting ready to party like crazy

We are getting holiday ready we started shopping very early
We will be holiday ready and we will be ready to party
Holiday ready we are getting holiday ready
We are getting holiday ready to be ready to party

Although we are getting our holidays shopping early
We have this feeling we will still be last minute shopping like crazy.

Anthony S.Phillander©04112017


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Rock Star

    Rock Star

Rock Star around the world music you deliver
You will be rocking the world forever and ever
You are rolling around the universe
Bringing joy love and happiness

Rock Star you are shining a like super nova  
From afar you glow like the star that you are
Always setting trends being on the cutting edge
What an exemplar you are Rock Star

Rock Star around the world everyone knows who you are
You will be rocking and rolling forever
Rolling like a rocket making music, music, music
Around the universe you bring love joy and happiness

Rock Star you shine like a super nova
You will forever glow like the star that you are
Always on the cutting edge setting new trends
Hell bent on rock and rolling till the world ends

Rock Star you keep rock and roll on fire
Alive you will be keeping rock and roll forever
You are on a roll keeping on rocking Rock Star
Rock the world forever Rock Star.

Anthony S.Phillander©21092017

Friday, September 15, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Suddenly it's September!

Suddenly it’s  

 Suddenly it’s September
We are left in wonder wondering
Where is the summer we were enjoying?
Suddenly summer is no longer around

All winter long we wait in anticipation
One moment it’s here the next it’s gone
Just when we were enjoying summer having fun
Once again summer’s on the run

Suddenly it’s September
Schools reopens and winter’s on the horizon
Summer’s long lazy days are no longer around
Our minds turns to the long winter’s grind

In anticipation we wait all winter long
Suddenly summer appears suddenly it disappears
In a daze we are held spellbound with memories
Memories of summer when we were having fun

Suddenly it’s September
All of a sudden suddenly summer’s over    
Suddenly it’s September
We can feel it in the air.

Anthony S.Phillander©09092017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Apollo Sputniks

   Apollo Sputniks
She’s stepping out in style in her Apollo Sputniks
Walking in space with a dainty shake
On cloud nine she’s winking at all the guys
Putting a huge smile on their faces

Fits her like a glove
For her it feels like it was custom made
Apollo Sputniks are all the rage these days
Girls just can’t have enough of them in their closets

Stepping out in style
See her in her brand new Apollo Sputniks
With a dainty shake she’s stepping in space
Winking at the guys on cloud nine putting smiles on their faces  

Fits her like a glove with those shoes she’s in love
Those Apollo Sputniks are all the rage these days
Having closets fill of them is the trend
Every girl wants at least a dozen pairs of them

In her Apollo Sputniks she’s trendy
Dancing up a storm she’s the life of the party
She’s on cloud nine spaced out on adoration
The attention she attracting is sending her high

She’s in the spotlight she’s the highlight of the Guys eyes
In her Apollo sputniks she looks fantastic
She looks fantastic in her Apollo Sputniks.

Anthony S.Phillander©24082017


Saturday, August 19, 2017

I AM The Worst!

   I Am Worst©

I am worst than your most horrible nightmare
Don’t you dare take leave of your senses?
Abandon your fears and rise up to challenge me
Unless your ancestors you are prepared to meet

Your most horrible nightmare it’s a cakewalk
When compared with me, your living daylights I will traumatize
You would be much better off falling asleep
Then try dreaming some sweet dreams now close your eyes

I am worst than your most horrible nightmare
Beware I eat live chainsaws for dinner and for dessert
A large helping of barbed wire in between I snack on rattlesnakes
Let me warn you that I am meaner than hells gatekeeper

Your most horrible nightmare it’s a walk in the park
If you are fortified like fort Knox step come step to me
Take your best shot and prepare to enter the hereafter
There after taking that shot your existence history will not remember

I am worst than your most horrible nightmare
There’s a steel plate where my heart’s supposed to be
Stand down run away live to dream another day
Your most horrible nightmare a reality you don’t want me to make

You don’t no you don’t want me to do that
Remember me I am worst that your most horrible nightmare.

Anthony S.Phillander©19082017

Monday, August 07, 2017

Truth Is

          Truth Is

Truth is irrevocable resolute indisputable invincible
Indomitable unconquerable invaluable irrepressible
Unique uncompromised unshakable incomparable
Inseparable unmistakable invariable irrefutable

Inalienable infallible irreversible impenetrable
Immitigable immaculate imitable immobile unswayable
Immiscible immune immutable immortal monumental
Impeccable impassive imperishable imperturbable

Impermeable impervious unrelenting implicit important
Impregnable imprescriptibly impressive inalterable
Inappeasable incessant incommutably incondensable
Incorruptible indefatigable independent indelible 

Indestructible indispensible inestimable ineffaceable
Inelastic inadaptable inflexible inescapable unvarnished
Inherent innate insistent intelligible intense unified
Indivisible unequivocal, and that’s the unembellished truth.

Anthony S.Phillander©16072017

Friday, July 28, 2017

Your D.A.

Get Off
Your D.  A.

And do


Anthony S.Phillander©2017

Monday, July 03, 2017


Get off your darned ass and do something

Your donkey is stressed give your donkey a rest

Stop complaining the world does not owe you a living

That debt it’s all yours do something to get it paid

Display some humanity for your poor donkey

It’s time to stop sitting on it so comfortably

Exercise your talents you won’t know them by sitting

Get off your darned ass and find something you enjoy doing

Get off your darned ass and do something

Aren’t you tired sitting get up give you donkey a rest

Stop complaining and doing nothing to change circumstances

The world owes you nothing you owe yourself everything

Put yourself in the donkey’s shoes see how you like it 

On your ass stop sitting so comfortably just get off it

Exercise your talents it’s in you find it

Get off your darned ass and find something you enjoy doing

Get off quit sitting get off your darned ass and do something

Do something stop complaining do something

Get off your darned ass and do something.

Anthony S.Phillander©30062017

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Mrs Noteworthy.

Mrs. Noteworthy

Mrs. Noteworthy a lady of elevated society

Attended a silent auction by invitation only

She acquired an old mansion in the ritzy section of the city

Upon inspection her plumber found her plumbing in disrepair

He laid pipe in the bedroom in the kitchen he did likewise

He laid pipe in bathroom he did likewise in the ballroom

He did likewise in the poolroom in the garden he laid pipe

He laid pipe in the guest room in the library he did likewise

Mrs. Noteworthy a lady of elevated society

By invitation only she attended a silent auction

An old mansion in the ritzy section of the city she acquired

Her plumber a contract she gave to upgrade her plumbing

He laid pipe in the closet in the toilet he did likewise

He laid pipe in the terrace by the furnace he did likewise

He laid pipe in the courtyard in the backyard he did likewise

In laid pipe under the pavement in the basement he did likewise

Mrs. Noteworthy a lady of elevated society

To her complete satisfactiototal her plumber laid pipe

His cheque and a glowing recommendation she provided with a smile

With a smile to housewives his services she advertized 

Mrs. Noteworthy’s plumber is now doing a booming business

For the excellent plumbing services he provides
With a smile he continues laying pipe.

Anthony S.Phillander©215082016

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

When TRUST is go---------

         When Trust Is Gone
When trust is gone relationships becomes dysfunctional
Society no longer has a foundation on which to stand
Losing its backbone no longer are our words our bond
Whereby society is left standing on sinking sand

From one moment to the next fact becomes a chameleon Decisions are swaying like waves on the ocean
Trust civilization’s building blocks are becoming
Icebergs in the midday sun

When trust is gone distrust and skepticism abounds
Integrity and character are only to be found in museums
Society is constantly sowing the seeds for its destruction
Where anarchy and chaos will reign supreme

When in god we trust becomes a rhetorical slogan
In reality we trust no one not even our fellowman
Our annihilation is becoming a forgone conclusion
Without trust civilization will cease to function

When trust is gone all we are left with is an illusion
A mirage in the distance devoid of substance
Nothing concrete to hold onto or to count on
Without trust all is lost trust is society’s building block

When trust is gone even the currency we count on
Cannot be counted upon
Without trust what left for us to build on?

Anthony S.Phillander©11062017

Monday, June 12, 2017

Hands in the ear Hands in the Ear

Hands in the ear, Hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

Everywhere you look you can see hands in the ear

Crossing the streets with their hands in the ear

Driving their cars with their hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

You don’t have to look very far to see hands in the ear

Climbing up ladders with their hands in the ear

See the distracted drivers with their hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

Everywhere you look you can see hands in the ear

Ever since cell phones appeared

Everyone’s got their hands in the ear

Unaware of their surroundings

Everyone’s got their hands in the ear

Hands in the ear Hands in the ear

Everyone’s got their cell phone in their hand in the ear

Everywhere it’s cell phone in hands in the ear

Cell phone in hands in the ear hands in the ear

Hands in the ear hands in the ear.

Anthony S.Phillander©06122017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

 On the wings
    Of a butterfly

Let your heart fly
On the wings of a butterfly
Take the load off your heart
On wings of a butterfly let your heart fly sky high

Hitch your heart on a butterfly wings
It will sing as it rise high into the sky
See your heart smiling enjoying the ride
Riding the wings of a butterfly into the sky

Let your heart fly
On the wings of a butterfly
Take the load off your heart
On the wings of a butterfly let your heart fly sky high

Run away with your imagination
When your imagination runs away with you
Hook your heart on the wings of a butterfly
Ride the wings of a butterfly high into the sky

Let your heart fly
On the wings of a butterfly
Let your heart fly on butterfly wings
Smile and enjoy the ride

On the wings of a butterfly let your heart fly.

Anthony S.Phillander©30042017

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Traffic Jamming

    Traffic Jamming

Traffic jamming as if it’s a snail pace grand prix

Nothing but traffic for as far as your eyes can see

It’s another holiday long weekend and everyone’s unhappy

On the road going nowhere fast as traffic crawls endlessly

On top of a pick up truck stuck in the jamming traffic

Musicians trying to ease their frustration began jamming

Jamming in the traffic and instantly people began to party

Partying in the jamming traffic it was a traffic jamming party

Traffic jamming as if it was a snail pace grand prix

In the jamming traffic it was traffic for as far as your eyes can see

Holiday long weekends hi and byways are always packed to capacity

On the road traffic jamming and it’s no use being in any hurry

Standing on top of cars and trucks people were stuck in traffic

Musicians in their frustration in the traffic began jamming

Jamming a hot and bouncy melody in the jamming traffic 

 It was pure ecstasy in the jamming traffic oh what a party

It was a jamming traffic party when we were stuck in a traffic jam

Musicians on a pick up truck struck up a traffic jamming rhythm

Now people are anxious for the jamming traffic and ready to party 

When the next holiday long weekend come around

In the jamming traffic it will be another traffic jamming party.

 Anthony S.Phillander©30032016

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Music let the rhythm move you.

Music let the rhythm

      Move you

Music let the rhythm move you

You can feel it stirring deep in your soul

Out of control it’s now moving you

Uncontrollably you are beginning to rock and roll

Impossible it will not allow you to stand still

Its sweet music taste it you will absolutely like it

The rhythmic sweetness you will certainly relish

Feel the music and let the rhythm move you feel it

Music let the rhythm move you

It’s stirring down deep in your soul you are feeling it 

Uncontrollably you are shaking rolling and rocking

You are totally at the mercy of the music’s rhythm

The sweet music will not permit you to stand still

You have to continue jumping with the rhythm

In a trance you are under the music’s influence

Go with the flow don’t fight the music’s rhythm

Music let the rhythm move you

Just surrender and do what the music wants you to do

Go on let the rhythm of the music move you

Keep doing it let the music move you.

Anthony S.Phillander©26042017

Monday, April 17, 2017


The time for    

The time for
 Is no longer   
Anthony S.Phillander ©20032017

Monday, April 03, 2017

Presidential Women

   Presidential Women
Presidential women you are on the leading edge of a trending trend
Confidently you are ascending to astronomical heights and beyond 
Challenges you have met head on and continue beating into submission 
Glass ceilings are no match for you because you are a diamond

Presidential women your rightful places they are on pedestals
Generations will be looking up to you because of your tenacity of spirit
Like a beacon you shine creating pathway and furnishing directions
The precedent you are setting they are inspirational

Presidential women you are presumptive you pursued you persevered
You visualized and your possibilities you have realized
You have arrived your potential’s intelligence is just phenomenal
Madam what you have achieved is absolutely monumental

Presidential women for you no road is too long no bridge is too far
When you set your mind on a destination your journey’s end is assured
Inaction mediocrity aimlessness and fear with those you are not familiar
With Initiative and leadership you are rocketing to wherever you desire

Presidential women your legacies will indelibly live on indefinitely
The world stands in awe of you because you refused to be confined
Respect you never expected respect you demanded and respect you got
You put the world at your command ad you are commanding your world

Presidential women your world you have mastered
The world’s now is at your service you are at its helm
To attention we rise as we salute you Presidential women
Presidential women congratulation

Presidential women you epitomizes all the qualities of the presidency.

Anthony S.Phillander©27072016

Sunday, February 12, 2017

THE Lady of the house

    The lady of the House

The lady of the house undoubtedly she’s the first lady
Without her a house will never become a home
Until she takes control a house is just four walls
The lady of the house makes a house a home

With iron hands in velvet glove her household she rules
Over her domain she’s a queen
She reigns supreme the lady of the house is second to none
Over her house she always rules with love

The lady of the house most importantly she’s the first lady
Without her a home a house will never become
She’s got the s pecial touch she commands respect
She transforms a house into a home

Without her all you have got is just four walls
Love and tender caring she brings unconditionally
With her special touches she changes everything
A house is just four walls without the Lady of the house

Every home needs a lady of the house
The household is under control of The lady of the house
Am glad you are my valentine Lady of the house
Take a bow Lady of the house.

Anthony S.Phillander©03022017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Spectacularly Extraordinary

She’s spectacularly extraordinary
Between her and the ordinary there’s no similarity
She stylishly takes the high road consistently
Solid like gold she’s truly a woman of substance

First last and for most she’s always a premiere lady
Classy, excellence, eloquent, a study in elegance
She’s an inspiration truly exemplary what a lady
That belle of the world stage you know her name

She’s spectacularly extraordinary
Royal regal a lady with all the qualities of majesty
Like her guaranteed you won’t find may other ladies
She’s truly a gem a crown jewel absolutely

Sensational, surreal, spectacularly extraordinary
Glittering like diamonds confident, charismatic
Worthy of the accolades on her by the world bestowed
That belle by now her name the world can easily tell

She’s really spectacularly extraordinary
Oh what a spectacularly extraordinary lady.

Anthony S.Phillander©17012017

Monday, January 02, 2017


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...