Saturday, October 25, 2014

There's A Sparrow In my Heart

There’s A Sparrow in My Heart

There’s a sparrow in my heart
That is constantly singing very sweetly
And the closer you get to me
Its melody increases in intensity

Since you came to me
It’s been constantly keeping me company
Like you I will never set it free
‘cause I am immensely enjoying its sweet melody

Anthony S.Phillander©1998

Friday, July 04, 2014

Say No To Racism

     Say No to Racism

Say no to racism
It is the enemy of civilization
The human family can certainly do without its divisions
Class color and creed are some of its main forms of manifestation

Hold civilization to a higher standard of tolerance
Humanity is not a plurality it is a singularity one family
Not confrontation yes compromise coexistence not alienation 
With the difference in humanity, humanity must acquiesce

Say no to racism
In no uncertain terms let racism know it is not welcome
Show some nerve kick racism to the curb
Bring about a quantum leap in human relation

Break its shackles under its weight do not allow humanity to buckle
Stifle it tackle racism head on blast racism to oblivion
With all your might let it take a hike tell racism to go fly a kite
Put the bite on racism forever let racism disappear from sight

Say no to racism
Give racism no way give no time for racism let it be the end of the line 
Stamp it out rout racism right out from wherever racism resides
Shed no tears for racism just wave racism goodbye.

Anthony S.Phillander©250614

Saturday, February 25, 2012


       Awesome                attractive











Anthony S.Phillander©2000

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Tenacity of Purpose

A Tenacity of Purpose

A tenacity of purpose

Comes potent with resolve and empowerment

It is the driving force that takes one on  a journey

to high accomplishment and high achievement

A tenacity of purpose

Possesses an indomitable force

That does not permit any obstacle whatsoever

To cause it to deter from its set course

A tenacity of purpose

Provides focus courage and determination

To stay on course and go the distance

No matter how distant an objective may be

A tenacity of purpose

Provides the drive and the initiative to continue taking action

Inflames enthusiasm and generates passion

That stands steadfast until said purpose is accomplished

A tenacity of purpose

Is of paramount importance for the achievement

Of anything of significance no objective worth mention

Is ever achieved without a tenacity of purpose

A tenacity of purpose is the genesis of endless possibilities

Resolve to be resolute hold onto and never let go of

A tenacity of purpose, life is lived to its utmost

When life is lived with a tenacity of purpose

Like the tenacity of a postage stamp

Reach for and acquire a tenacity of purpose

Anthony S.Phillander 280701 asppe

Reach for and acquire a tenacity of purpose

Anthony S.Phillander 280701 asppe

Sunday, August 20, 2006

INFORMATION is the treasury the current currency safeguard your information SECURELY!

Information Information is the current currency the industrial revolution is now history
 information is now the engine of industry mine information it is the ore of wealth creation
Information it is the pulse of civilization and it is the pivot on which the world currently revolves with a heartbeat vibrant and persistent chaos would result if information's pulse ever stops

Information at the speed of light is transforming civilization yesterday's conventions today belong in a museum constant change is the norm in this the age of information link up don't get left out of the loop make the connection

 Information it's priceless secure it safely like diamonds it is a jeweled crown that must not be left unattended be informed pay attention mind your information information, 
without it knowledge would be headed for extinction 
 Information! it is of paramount Importance. Anthony S.Phillander 20082006 all rights reserved.

So fast,

  Finishing so fast Why are you driving and finishing so fast? This is not the race track slowdown enjoy the scenery This is a...