Sunday, August 20, 2006

INFORMATION is the treasury the current currency safeguard your information SECURELY!

Information Information is the current currency the industrial revolution is now history
 information is now the engine of industry mine information it is the ore of wealth creation
Information it is the pulse of civilization and it is the pivot on which the world currently revolves with a heartbeat vibrant and persistent chaos would result if information's pulse ever stops

Information at the speed of light is transforming civilization yesterday's conventions today belong in a museum constant change is the norm in this the age of information link up don't get left out of the loop make the connection

 Information it's priceless secure it safely like diamonds it is a jeweled crown that must not be left unattended be informed pay attention mind your information information, 
without it knowledge would be headed for extinction 
 Information! it is of paramount Importance. Anthony S.Phillander 20082006 all rights reserved.

Like a million dollars

  Like A million Dollars You look like a million dollars extremely bankable Look at you a very valuable asset good to keep that’s fo...