Monday, February 26, 2024




Ungrateful people they are venomous

Never are they to ever be trusted

Keep an eye on ungrateful people

If not the results can be disastrous

Wolves in sheep clothing

Deceitful stay clear of ungrateful people

Like vipers yikes they are venomous

Dangerous beware of ungrateful people

Ungrateful people they are vipers

Snakes in the grass watch where they pass

On ungrateful people don’t turn your back

They will stab you because a conscience they lack

Vindictive vengeful voracious

The hands that feeds them they won’t hesitate to attack

In your hour of need on you they will turn their backs

Ungrateful people it seems with meanness they made a pack

Get on the right track stay away from ungrateful people

Check it twice and scratch ungrateful people of your list

Get rid of ungrateful people quick, quick, quick.

Anthony S.Phillander©25022024

Sunday, February 25, 2024

For cough


   For cough

All door to door sales personnel for cough

We do not need what you got to sell

Without whatever you are selling we are doing well

Please do not continue ringing our doorbell

You are free to try the neighbor next door

As for us we don’t need anything that’s for sure

Skip our door you are not welcome we are warning you

Everything we need we have got you can rest assured

All door to door sales personnel for cough

What you got to sell we have no need for

We are doing very well without what you got to sell

Move along continue on your way don’t ring our door bell

The neighbor next door you can always try

Door to door sales personnel just pass our door by

Rumor has it you are bringing water in people’s eyes

We are doing fine don’t disturb us we got no time

For cough all door to door sales personnel

We got no need for whatever you got to sell

Just for cough.

Anthony S.Phillander©25022024


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...