Thursday, January 12, 2023

Seeds of Greatness


Seeds of greatness

There are seeds of greatness within you

Within you and you and you and every one of you

Go on an excavation find nurture and make them grow

Grow the seeds of greatness you will find within you

Within you there are seeds of greatness laying fallow

Follow your passion find greatness that awaits you

No need looking east and west or high and low

Within you there are seeds of greatness you can grow

There are seeds of greatness within you

Within you and you and you and every one of you

In your genesis seeds of greatness was planted in you

Look within unearth those seeds harvest their greatness

Within you there are seeds of greatness laying fallow

Follow your passion find greatness that awaits you

Uproot fear and become aware of the greatness within

Within you there are seeds of greatness

There are seeds of greatness within you

Look in the mirror and in your eyes you will see it too

The seeds of greatness are always within you

Its true examine the seeds find greatness within you

In you there are seeds of greatness

Harvest your greatness to the world put it on display

Within you there are seeds of greatness.

Anthony S.Phillander©04012023


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