Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Dangerously Sexy




Caution beware she’s dangerously sexy it’s scary

She’s melting hearts and turning heads involuntarily

For your safety it’s best to stay away from her vicinity

She’s armed with charm and dangerously sexy

She’s making hearts flutter while melting like butter

She’s making tongues stutter as words they mutter

She’s making knees tremble as they become feeble

She’s making heads bubble feeling lighter than a feather

Beware caution she’s dangerously sexy it’s uneasy

Falling for her is a tragedy that will drive anyone crazy

Still girls will do anything to be like the girl they all envy

Smoking hot steamy charmed and dangerously sexy

She’s fiery dripping with sensuality and sexual intensity

She’s got that immense passion that will burn you severely

Simmering in her eyes is the flame of a fire burning inside

Live dangerously see if you can tame the flames of her fire

Sexy caution beware she’s dangerously sexy dangerously sexy

She’s dangerously sexy don’t run and hide try maybe

That fire in her eyes is inviting you to subdue the flame inside

Sexy she’s dangerously sexy.

Anthony S.Phillander©26102021

Friday, October 15, 2021

You are only YOUNG Once


You are only

Young once

You are only young once what an exciting time of your life

Sing and dance have fun live your young life to the max

Now is the time to live life like there’s no tomorrow

Put the pedal to the metal and live life till life glows

Live life while you are young get your living going on

Never again will your youth ever be coming around

Don’t stand around waiting step it up live life on the run

Don’t wait jump the gun live wild while you are young

You are only young once that’s enough if you live to the max

In time to come before you know it life will be settling down

Into the unknown go out on a limb live life for life’s thrills

Feel life just as you like it fun filled young and exciting

Live life while you are young regret nothing in time to come

In the blink of an eye you will be saying when I was young

Only once you are allowed to be young and youth is gone

Now is your time to take life and live life while you are young

Don’t squander your young life you are only young once

You are only young once have fun forget what’s to come

Once, you are only young once and once is good enough

Once is good enough if you live your young life to the max

Only once will you be young make it count live it now

You are only young once, once.

Anthony S.Phillander©05102021


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...