Saturday, August 22, 2020


always the same thing whining and complaining nothing ever seem to be the correct thing.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

People Jamming Jamaically

People Jamming
What a wonderful sight to see in every country
All over the world wherever you may be people intentionally
People intentionally jamming Jamacially see them very happy
Jamming they intentionally jamming Jamaically as they party

Jamming Jamaically people jamming they Jamacially jamming
From all over the world when they party they jamming Jamaically
The world’s in a frenzy going crazy they jamming Jamaically
Like the jam is sweeter than honey everybody’s jamming Jamaically

What a beautiful sight to see in every country
All over the world wherever you may be people intentionally
People intentionally jamming Jamaically see them very happy
Happy jamming Jamaically intentionally jamming Jamaically

Jamming Jamaically people jamming they Jamaically jamming
From all over the world when they party they jamming Jamaically
In a frenzy the world’s going crazy and they jamming Jamaically
Surely the jam is sweeter than honey as they party jamming Jamaically

What a wonderful sight to see the world intentionally jamming Jamaically
It’s a Jamaically jamming frenzy jamming Jamaically
All over the world in every party people jamming Jamaically
People all over the world intentionally jamming Jamaically.

Anthony S.Phillander©05082020

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Jamming Jamaicanally!

Jamming Jamaicanally it's the only way to Jam.

Monday, August 03, 2020


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...