Sunday, December 25, 2016

Santa\s in town

  Santa’s in Town

Santa’s in town he brought gifts for everyone
We have waited all year long now he’s come
Christmas is here oh what joy
Christ and Santa has come

Come everyone let us sing a Christmas song
Rejoice along with Christ Santa’s come along
We will be having fun all days long
Everyone’s happy Christ and Santa’s in town

Santa’s in town and everyone’s one happy as clowns
Opening gifts having fun singing Christmas songs
Christmas is here and it’s a joyful time
Rejoice everyone Christ and Santa’s in town

Come everyone along with Christ Santa’s in town
Were you naughty or were you nice
Did Santa bring  gifts  for you that was just right
It took all year long now he’s in town

Come one come all let’s go see Santa
Yes he’s in town Santa’s in town
Santa’s in town.

Anthony S.Phillander©25122016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Your Hidden Figures

  Your Hidden figures

Expose your hidden figures

Reveal the shape of your assets

Figure does not tell lies let’s see your numbers

Expose your hidden figure

The shape of your asset your figures will reveal

Your hidden figure no longer conceal

The numbers will reveal your hidden figure

It’s just mathematics quit hiding your figure

Expose your hidden figures

The shape of your assets interest us

We will like to know your financial status

Expose your hidden figure

The shape of your assets we wish to determine

This we are unable to do until you reveal your hidden figures

In order to initiate business we need to see the shape of your assets

Reveal your hidden figure show us the shape of your assets

Display your hidden figure.

Anthony S.Phillander©11122016


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...