Thursday, November 12, 2015

Amazing Faith

      Amazing Faith

Amazing Faith when all hope was lost
You took compassion and extended charity to me
God’s boundless grace you generously gave to me
Amazing wow great you are truly amazing Faith

When reasons for living was no-where to be found
When something to believe in was not around
When turmoil pain and unending suffering abound
It was you Faith I kept you and yes Faith you kept me strong

Amazing Faith when all hope was lost
Out of the blue you were awaken in me and I came to know you 
You dried my eyes and provided your shoulder to lean on
God’s boundless grace you shared it’s just amazing Faith

When reasons for living was no-where to be found
When something to believe in was not around
When turmoil pain and unending suffering abound
It was you Faith I kept you and yes Faith you kept me strong

Amazing Faith in you I found the strength of the Heavenly kingdom 
Amazing yes you are amazing you are truly Amazing Faith
Amazing Faith you are truly Amazing Faith
Amazing yes you are Amazing Faith.

Dedicated to Sylvia Brathwaithe  and  Jenifer Titus

Anthony S.Phillander©270813


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